Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Presentation: Blogs as Content Management

When I installed WordPress blog software on the REFORMA Tucson server I only intended to use it for a news page. However, I quickly realized that the program was flexible enough to use for the whole website, and that it opened the door to a whole new approach to how members can contribute to our presence on the web.

My presentation about the new REFORMA Tucson Chapter blog and using blog software for website content management will be Thursday, March 8th at the University of Arizona Library's Info Commons computer classroom (ILC 112A). It will be in combination with the regular REFORMA meeting, so the meeting will be from 6:30-7:30pm and my presentation will be from 7:30-8:30pm. Free parking is available in the "Cherry Avenue" parking garage on the east side of Cherry. [Map of library location]

My presentation is intended to be a teaching session for REFORMA members who (we hope!) will be adding information to the website, but anyone interested in seeing powerful blog software in action is welcome.

First I will introduce the "back end" and show how easy it is for someone to contribute to the website or update information without the need for special software or knowledge of HTML. Then I will show how the blog software was easily installed, configured and customized on our server.

I hope there will also be time to discuss additional possibilities, because I believe that they go beyond blogging to uses for the creation of websites for personal portfolios, small organizations, and even management of projects in the classroom.

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